
The roles we have at Future Directions for our volunteers are diverse and flexible in order to meet the needs of both our organisation and the volunteer themselves.



Another strong strand of volunteering here is our development of volunteering opportunities for people we support as well.

This gives the people we support opportunities to build self-esteem, and develop new social networks and skills that can lead to paid employment.

We want the people we support to see the worth of being part of their community in which they live. Without our volunteers, the lives of the people we support would not be as rich. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them for everything they do.

Why Volunteer?

Future Directions offer all of our volunteers the opportunity to attend our training induction days. Here you will learn a wide range of skills to enhance your volunteering placement. As well as learning new skills and enhancing your existing skills, you can also expect to:

  • Make a difference.
  • Feel welcomed and respected.
  • Be given tasks to suit your motivations.
  • Feel confident to do the task.
  • Feel part of the team.
  • Feel secure and supported.
  • Feel your skills are being utilised.
  • Explore new careers and upgrade skills.
  • Face new challenges.
  • Develop creativity and expertise in areas of personal interest.
  • Build self esteem.
  • Share your hobbies and interests with others.
  • Improve future employability.
  • Make new friends.
  • Investigate a possible career change.

Is volunteering for me?

How do you know that volunteering is for you? Take a look at the essential personal attributes below, these are key to becoming a great volunteer.

Essential personal attributes:
Enthusiasm – a positive attitude is vital.
Common sense – knowing the difference between right and wrong.
Non-judgmental – being able to take an objective view of a person’s problems.
Awareness – being able to recognise other people’s needs.
Reliable – willing to devote a set amount of time regularly.
Compassionate – having and empathy with the plight of a particular person or situation.
Committed – demonstrating your passion for a cause.
Self-confident – able to work both autonomously and as part of a team where necessary.
Good communication – able to relate to both fellow workers and make suggestions for improvements.
Self-assured – able to take constructive criticism.
A shared interest in people who we support activities – i.e. watching Burnley play football. Long walks, fishing, cinema, bowling, gardening.

To find out more about volunteering with us please email volunteering@futuredirectiinscic.co.uk or click here for volunteering vacancies.