A General Election Social Story

A visual countdown to the UK General Election on the 4th July 2024

For people with autism and learning disabilities, Social Stories are a useful tool for helping them to prepare for any event that affect their lives. Personal assistants, friends and relatives can find them useful too.

This year in the UK is General Election year. A General Election has been called for Thursday 4th July 2024. It is important that underrepresented groups including people with learning disabilities, autism and complex care needs cast their vote.

Some voters are put off by inaccessible polling stations or a lack of clear information. Knowing what happens in the run-up to an election, local or general, may be hard to understand.

Future Directions CIC promote the individual right to vote. It is about empowerment as well as civic duty, voting for someone who you think best speaks up for you and your communities.

We have created a social story for this year’s General Election. It tells you why one was called and how the democratic process works leading up to the big day. Please share the story far and wide.

A General Election Social Story (Adobe PDF version)

Polling Station sign.
A General Election Social Story (Page 1 of 2)
A General Election Social Story (Page 2 of 2)

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